In-Store Hands on Coaching
Is the problem rooted in the sales staff, managers, gross, atmosphere, attitude, process…?
Fully Customized 7 Hour Coaching Experience
30 minute Initial Phone Call with Greg
Discuss your current areas of difficulty to strategically design the coaching day to fit your needs.
7 Hours from 9am to 4pm - Hands on In Person Mentoring
Broken down into as many or as few group and 1 on 1 sessions as you need.
20-30 minute Group Session with Sales Staff, Managers and Everyone Involved
Hands on Customer Interaction Demonstrations for Sales Staff
Heat Score Resolution
Demonstrating how to de-escalate unsatisfied customers
Direct calling unsatisfied customers in real-time with sales staff and managers
Fully Customized 7 Hour Coaching Experience
30 minute Initial Phone Call with Greg
Discuss your current areas of difficulty to strategically design the coaching day to fit your needs.
7 Hours from 9am to 4pm - Hands on In Person Mentoring
Broken down into as many or as few group and 1 on 1 sessions as you need.
20-30 minute Group Session with Sales Staff, Managers and Everyone Involved
Hands on Customer Interaction Demonstrations for Sales Staff
Heat Score Resolution
Demonstrating how to de-escalate unsatisfied customers
Direct calling unsatisfied customers in real-time with sales staff and managers